Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Real First Post XD

So this is it. It's finally starting. I don't know where it will go from here, but it could be interesting. This weekend was me being a slave to the T (Target, that is). that job = the suck. But I suppose it could be worse. I guess I should recap the weekend, so there's something interesting on here, in case anyone is reading.

Friday started with not much going on. Test in Japanese class, then some stressful, yet relaxed, paper reviewing in English class. After that, I just Flyff-ed away until the event happened. I had high hopes for this event too. You know what h appened when the event started...? Nothing! That was poo. Then when it finally did start happening, the servers crashed. I'm not complaining here, I'm just telling it how it is. Because I'm sure as hell am not going to complain about a free MMO, because that is just plain sweet. Well, enough about that....for now.

Later that night, I head out to Quaker, Steak, & Lube (it's some weird car-themed restaurant) with 2 friends, Beth and Jim, and my girlfriend. So we're there to take on these atomic wings, 150,000 SHUs (Scoville Heat Unit) of pain. Well, Beth, Jim, and I did it. It amazing, yet kind of disappointing at the same time. We had to sign a waiver to eat them--that makes them pretty dangerous, eh? But we get our names on the wall,...and a bumper sticker! -_-;; Anyways, it was fun. Jim was sweating while eating them and I think Beth started crying. Me? I just concentrated on getting those fire-y biznatches down. It didn't phase me too much, until I stopped eating them. Then I was definately breathing fire.

Saturday and Today = own by the T. Work sucked, and today I was so tired. I felt really zombie-like. I really should be working on my speech and paper that are due tomorrow. Not to mention the test I have in my History 481 class. >.<;;


At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chris + morning = zombie


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