Plastic Trees?
Wow. Flyff ended up happening for a long time last night. But that was after Import Gaming Night. I run an import gaming night for anime club I'm in at Pennstate. I thought I would get some work done there; I brought a book and everything. I started reading it and then some people wanted me to play DDR. I caved. No work done and lots of DDR and Narutometto Hero 3 played. Back to the Flyff-ing. I can't believe we played until 4 in the morning! It was pure craziness. The funny stuff happened as we were leaving though. I threw away my Gatorade bottle. So Courtney looks at me funny and says, "I can't believe you did that. The recycling thing is right here." She took the bottle out of the trash and carried it over the recycling thinger saying, ~Save a tree, man. ...Even though this bottle isn't made of paper. Well, where ever plastic comes from.~ >.<;; I know I messed up that quote, so it's not as funny now. There, I feel better. I took it out of quotes. Maybe I can fix it later. But believe me, it was really funny at the time. Today was a boring religious studies class, probably because I spent a lot of it struggling to stay awake because I was up till 4 or 5 in the morning. -_-;; Anyways, after that it was off to Suncoast. They're still going out of business, apparently, until Sunday or something. So, I finally bought some stuff from there. I got Appleseed the movie, The Fuccons, Shingetsutan Tsukihime OST, and a Samurai Champloo bag for about $39. Pretty good deal, I think. Most of it was 50% off.
I forgot to mention that I just watched an episode of Charmed that totally ripped off The Matrix. It was really sad. It was a total ripoff... -_-;; I wouldn't be surprised if there was some lawsuit about it or something. They stole the scene from the first Matrix where Neo dies and then comes back to fight Agent Smith. Charmed even took the part where Neo jumps into Smith and explodes him. In Charmed Pru (if that's how you spell her name) jumped into the demon and destroyed him in the exact same manner, it even had green shiny stuff! So disappointing. I think I may have lost all respect for Charmed now. TT.TT
But now I'm up to a test. I believe that there is something wrong with the dorm room connections, because they blocks ports to prevent file sharing on campus. I think the blocked ports f*ck up the game play and causes it to be ultra-laggy. My theory is that this doesn't happen when I use the campus' wireless connections that are in certain buildings. So I'm going to test it. Happy Flyff-ing to me. ^.^
Oh man, yeah i remember that quote. then again it WAS 4 in the morning...i don't expect myself to make much sense that early...XD that was great, a grand totol of 5 hours of sleep. weeeeeeeeeeee o_O; good grief. I <3 plastic trees ^O^
Maybe instead of early i should have said late. @.@;; i'm not really sure.... but it's worth it for flyff.... i <3 flyff more than plastic trees >.>...<.<...>.>...
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