Sunday, March 26, 2006

Why Bother?

I hate work. I hate working while in school. It's really distracting to my schoolwork, and like before, I become dead from working. Well, I have to work now, I need the money to make ends meet. But this time it was just totally not cool. I know that right now I can't spend any money--on ANYTHING. It's probably not even a good idea to buy gas right now. Only use driving for when it's needed. I go in to get my paycheck. I get it, look at it...and it just makes me hate life. The hell that work is and it's not even enough to keep me going. I'm so angry about it. Underpaid poo! That's all work is, and I am hating almost every minute of it. I wish I had a sweet job on campus that paid a reasonable amount of money, or I'd even take the same, for something not as strenuous. Maybe I'm just being unreasonable. Yes, I am. I quit. I just need to suck it up. Forget it all. I'll live with my job and not hope something else. I guess with my luck, it's good I have a job at all. I should be happy with whatever I can get and deal. -_-;; Anyways, I should be doing work now. So off I go.


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it will be ok honey. ;_; just make sure you don't poke someone's eye out over it in the rage....

;_, <---don't let it happen, it's not worth it

At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL courtney.
Chris, I agree...I question myself right now of what am I doing with my life if I can't even make enough money to afford a car. Everytime I get a paycheck, I all those hours for just that much? "Underpaid poo" describes it perfectly.
Anyways, I'll stop him courtney if he does become enraged!!! I'll do something crazy.


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