Catching up...
This weekened seemed long. That was definately a good thing, but I didn't get any work done at all. I can't believe it. I had so much to do, and nothing got done. ;_; Well, it started off on Friday night.

I think it was sometime last week, we had heard about some new place that sell boba drinks. Naturally, we are interested in going, but we have no idea where this place is at. Beth thought it would be a good idea to try that out Friday night, and of course Courtney was all for it. So we decided to find it. After seeing Beth in the quad, Courtney and I wandered around downtown to try and find this Rheemix boba place. We walked all along the little alley-way between College and Beaver and didn't see anything. We were about to quit, but I thought I'd try one more street, the street where Smokin Joe's was that Stine always used to get his cloves from. We saw nothing there. But we ran into Sung Hee (sp? ;_;) and talked to her for a little. I thought I'd ask her if she knew anything about it. I was like, "We're looking for this new boba's supposed to be around the Seoul Garden. Do you know anything about it?" And it worked! woot! The place was practically right in front of us. Of course we didn't see any boba place, just Seoul Garden. So we continued walking. At almost 9, Courtney calls Beth again and works up the nerve to go into the grocery store and ask if anyone knows about the boba place. And the girl that was selling them sells them out of the back of the grocery store. That's pretty silly, but I guess it works. They cost a little bit more, but they were definately worth it. Then after this came the movie. *bleh*
Saturday, I had to take the bus to work because I didn't get my insurance card yet. I checked the bus schedule online and planned accordingly. Apparently, the bus schedule online is not correct, because I ended up waiting 40 minutes for the bus that was supposed to come half an hour earlier. And then I was late for work, but no one really cares. Yay! Work wasn't bad, and seem to be over quickly. Jim was there, so that was cool. Jim always makes working at Target better. I ran into Kevin there too. He came to have his glasses fixed.
After work at Kevin's again. Beth, Kevin, and I sat around and drank and then Ryan and, his roomate, Andrew came over and we went out for ninja training. We had wooden weapons and a kunai. We were trying to get the kunai to stick into the trees on campus, but we pretty sucked at it. We started in front of Burrowes. Me and Ryan climbed the tree there, it was cool. And Beth was trying to teach me some kendo, but I pretty sucked. But it's okay, it was only my first time...and it was drunken learning. XD We ended up moving around a bit, but at one point we went to the parking deck where Ryan jumped off the 4th floor onto the roof. Then went back in on the 3rd floor. Ryan is the true ninja among us. After that we went to the Forest of No Return, where we tried to knock over a tree, ....but it didn't work. ;_; After that was the forum, which we were surprised to find was open. I think I would have tried to climb it, but it felt really flimsy. >.<; I think the highlight of the night is when Beth decided to wade in the Fountain of Doom! It was awesome. Beth was trying to get into the recycling bin in the forum, and then one of us suggested that we put her into one of the plastic bags and have her wade around. So we put her in it and she walked around in the Fountain of Doom. It was awesome!! I soooo wish I had a camera... ;_; Oh, I forgot to mention peeing in bushes and behind trees...even Beth did it! She definately gets + ninja training for that. I hope there weren't any cameras around those areas. >.<;;
Sunday, not much happened. I went to the HUB to watch Fun with Dick and Jane. It wasn't as great as the previews had led me to believe, but it had some funny parts. It was just a weekend of let-down movies. -_-;; But one cool thing was, since it was a personal, private viewing for me and this other guy in the theater, the projectionist said our names in the annoucement before playing the movie. ... ......Added perk, I guess. It was just querky and cool.
Ah! And the pictures from the Sakura Festival and Atomic wings are here. I will put them up somewhere whenever I get a chance to scan them.
OMG peeing in bushes...something i could never include myself in..>.<; Sounds like you guys had some serious fun...minus that movie of...lameness... someone should kick the producer of that movie in the balls >.>... but i guess that would only work if it was a guy...i dunno.. Guys sorta have it worse now that i think about it...cus once they got their junk's pretty much over... although getting hit in the boob pretty hurts too ;_; at least for me XP...omg this post is random ...
boob punches are mean and wrong, but hilarious sounding. i just like peeing in bushes because every time, i'm amazed that the pee doesn't run down my leg or something. i shouldn't say that or it'll happen ;_; but then in theory, it should be the same as peeing in a hole in the ground, like asia...just that there's no hole to pee in. people poop in those holes, that's just weird.
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