Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Chained Up

Wooooo! There's a scrollbar now, how exciting. Wow. It's hard to believe the semester is almost over already. Only a few more weeks to go and then we're out of here. The work feels like it's piling up now, but I should have more free time to do it,...maybe. >.<;; My original research paper for english 202B doesn't seem to be going too well. But how can I really know what I'm going to write about before I write the paper? Papers usually shape themselves as I write them. I suck at planning for papers. It just has to happen for me.

I think that being here makes me forget how old I really am. Most of the time, I don't really think about it. The majority of the people here seem to be under 21. Whenever I hear people talking about their age--like today I heard some girl say she looks younger with long hair, but she's actually older...20, she said. Yeah, that's older -_-;; --I have to think about how old I am. And then it's like, "Oh, yeah. I'm ...23. ugh." ;_; "I'm old." Just like that. I don't know what to make of this. If it's bad or not, because it doesn't really seem to be a good thing.

On a side note, I have to begin wondering what is up with the chainning off of areas on the Pennstate campus. It's starting to bother me. When I go to class, I want to take the shortest possible way, even if that means cutting a corner through some grass. Apparently when I wasn't looking, someone went and made grass a sacred object. What's so special about the damn grass?? People walk on it, it grows freely everywhere and you don't have to try, it's not a rare commodity or something...what's the deal? Why are they chaining it off? I remember one time when I was in middle school on a really windy day, I was playing with paper airplanes on top of hill. They would fly down the hill, over a field, and across the street. The airplanes ended up in this guy's yard a couple times, so I had to go get them. Then one time he comes out a spazzes about me walking on his grass. I remember the one comment so clearly though, because it was so stupid: "How would you like it if I walked on your grass?" he said. Well, I wouldn't give a shit, because it's just grass. -_-;; Who the hell cares about's everywhere!


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, seriously...walking on grass doesn't destroy it in most situations. all that salt they use does, though. it's not like the salt is going to be deterred from a fence. they should throw some sand into that salt so they don't need as much. stupid pa.

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True dat, beth, true dat. Although, I'd understand my mom who would/does yell at people for walking on the lawn... It's not about the grass in my mom's's about the property eh? azns...god damnit haha.


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