I went out the back door to go around to the front of my house. Walking up the hill, this huge, black-winged, creature slams into my neck. Well, I wasn't prepared for that...so I freak out and start spazzing on my neck. It was just some dumbass grasshopper. I thought some venomous bug was attacking me or something. >.>...well, not really, but it just surprised me. Anyways, this was so that Jim and I could go up to Zach's grandparents to take a swim. On the way up the hill to that has, I kicked some grass and made a bug fly. It flew all the way up to the house we were going to, so I decided to check it out. Turns out that it was a praying mantis. I was like, "cool!" So I wanted to hold it and take a picture of it. I didn't get to do that, but here is what I did get.

I'm kind of disappointed that the grass is more in focus than it is, but I guess that means it's doing a good job blending in. Well, I picked it up three times. And everytime I did, I got to hold it for 10-25 seconds and then it would fly away. The last time it flew into this purple bush. I was about to go in to pick it up for the fourth time when I noticed that this purple bush was swarming with bees. I was just like, "damn..." Stupid bees. That's like sharks with frickin' laser beams. That's my story for now.
Jim left today. It's not the same without him around anymore. But I also go myself to be back on the schedule at Target again. So, life will go back to being non-enjoyable. We'll see how it really turns out though. I found one of the books I need for class too. $107...and it's new...so no used copies. What a bunch of crap...I hate school. It's dumb. XP
haha, before i read the bee swarm bush part, i was going to say that the praying mantis might be some sort of sign of good fortune. strange that it flew all the way to the house you were going.
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