In hiragana that = にんぷみたい。。。 in case you want to try looking it up. But Babblefish does not translate it correctly. It uses mitai as 見たい and not みたい,...there is a difference.

What is this? This a picture of Chris zoning out after a stressful day. Losing motivation at life. Doesn't it look like it's just draining out of me? I think I can almost see it happening even though it's just a picture. I think that's the same zombie-Chris expression I have at work everyday. >.<;; Seriously, I don't understand myself lately. I am like a pregnant woman. Mood changing insanity. Sunday life was the greatest gift under the sun and I felt so alive and happy to be in existance. Like I could take on the world!! Today I hated life and wished my existance would be wiped from the face of the earth. Then I went back to being okay. Now I am just in some state of indifference. Then I start to wonder if I'm bipolar or something. I don't want to be bipolar. But I don't think that is really the case either, because I'm not like this all the time. Just over the summer. I'm never like this at school. Ah, the summer makes me all sorts of crazy...
Another thought: Is it so wrong to pursue happiness in life instead of occupation? I don't think so.... I'll leave on that note.

When you return this fall, will you still be working at Target? We can be zombies together =)
i don't think you're bipolar... it's just that work + boredom --> fluctuating emotions. i think a lot of people are going through the same thing this summer.
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