Wednesday, June 07, 2006


For some reason, I lately seem to have lost what little happiness I have. Maybe it's just a temporary thing, which I hope it is, but it's annoying. and it makes me cranky. -_-; Working isn't cutting it anymore to keep me occupied, I think. And I'm not so sure it's helping me anymore. I think I just am might just be a day or two thing. For some reason I told Target I would work tonight...even though I feel like my legs are going to fall off. Maybe I just need a hug... who knows. But I have no one to get a hug from ;_; meh...I guess I should get ready for work now, though.

...I still need to think of how two people who don't know each other could randomly meet. Any ideas?? Let me know!


At 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've lost that lil happiness as well. I guess it's what I meant by how I become "moody" or ogre-like. I think I talked to you about it a week ago or something like that as well. I'll tell you one thing for sure...find something you enjoy doing and start doing'll make you feel new again :) (work made it worse for me btw) And that needing a hug...I hope it wasn't me who made you think that :-\.
The answer to your question is simple. 2 people, who don't know each other, but have talked to each other could meet by finding out what they like doing. One time, I met a girl at a state park, we walked the trail, talked and met that way.
But if you're talking about how two people who don't know each other, don't really talk to each other, then go to a bar ;) and you'll find random people.
P.S. *hug* btw, I might have found a car finally (I said this many times...), but this is a car I REALLY REALLY WANT and will even pay all the money I have to get it.

At 3:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, I needed that. What is this awesome car that you found?? I'm interested.

And the people meeting thing isn't for hooking up >.<;; I'm not trying to find someone new or something...haha. I need to progress the plot of my story and I'm trying to come up with an idea of how two (non-romantically involved) characters who don't know each other will meet. They've seen each other once, in passing...didn't talk, meet, or anything...they just know the other exists

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i've been pretty grumpy lately. work sucks up all my time and there are too many things i need to do. i haven't been doing my homework for my online course and it's kicking my ass. so many things i have to do but don't want to do and so many things i want to do but don't have time for >_< augughh so incredibly frustrating. i've been hating life more these past couple of weeks. before, i was fluctuating between happy and slightly grumpy. i don't want to complain because i'm trying to get rid of the whiny part of myself that has been evolving for the past couple of years. but since you and jim complained first, i'm allowed to join in >_>...


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