Friday, June 02, 2006

Box Labeling

Target called me in to work again tonight and I did it. It wasn't too bad, I guess. Work is work, usually not fun unless you like your job. Working at Target really doesn't seem like a job to like too enthusiastically.

Today I started going through the boxes that have been sitting around since last summer so I could itemize what is in them and then store them somewhere else. I had to label them too, so I could know which was which. So I ended up using kanji for those that had no distinguishing features. It reminded me of the time Stine used kanji for assembling his loft. Now I think I'll do that for just seems cooler that way! ~~huzzah!

After I was done, I thought I would just go to sleep, but I ended up working on my resume for a while. Then I had to figure out someone to send it to in order to look at it and give me some feedback. It took a while for me to think of someone. So I did some e-mailing and then I was putting my new resume on my USB drive when I saw this strange, fantasy story I had started working on almost exactly one year ago at this time. It was June 22, 2005 that I typed it. I've been editing it for far too long now and I really should go to sleep soon.

Update: On a side note, I was distracted again by something terribly funny. All must read this. The funniest part is the comments from past crap...omg! it's hilarious. I'm laughing out loud at 3:46 in the morning. Using Panda Express stuffed pandas as packing material....too good! I can't believe it SOLD OUT in 3 minutes though. ;_; I totally would have ordered some crap for $1 + $5 shipping. Sounded like fun! XD


At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleep?!?!?! "Who needs sleep, cuz you're never gonna get it" hah good song. Anyways, you should get points for that (using kanji). Ok time for me to sleep now that it's 345am o_O. BTW, I used to be enthusiastic about Target (it was just so much better than Mickey d's, no doubt).

At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I can't believe you missed the update part from woot by one minute >.<;; Oh, well maybe you'll see it tomorrow. I was enthusiatic about Target for a day or two when I first started because it was nice to have a job and money again, but it wears off fast for me.

At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

using kanji is good till you forget how to read it ^_^; kyah...i'm so gonna forget my japanese if i'm not careful >_<

At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Damnit, I want a bag of crap :P
I really need to show my mom that...especially if there's a "sale" for it. My mom buys anything that's on "sale". -_-

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want a panda ;_;


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