Paper Writing Hell
Wow...So I spent all day yesterday writing this paper about this book I didn't really read. But it's funny that when I would normally read it, I got through about 50 pages in 3 hours... but when I was reading yesterday just to write that paper, I got through the last 300 pages in 6 hours and wrote a 9 page paper about it. -_-;; stupid poo. But the paper writing hell is finally over.
After that I chilled a bit and then me, Courtney, and Beth when to the commons for free breakfast type food. It was good. mmm....tater mush. >.<; The line was hell-ish though. We sat in the dark corner. And we saw lots of people. We heard someone blowing a whistle pop, and then Beth wanted one. But hers was the Ryan-calling whistle because when she blew it, Ryan came in our general direction. XD
Now, today at 10:33 my semester is officially over. I finished my last, and only, final in about 15 minutes. It's such a good feeling to know I have nothing I have to do now. I can just watch anime and play games and whatever the hell I want that is not school. Yay! Oh, and as I was walking back to my room after the final I noticed that all the squirrels aren't pudgey anymore. They're really thin they look young or something >.<;
i <3 squirrels
omg...i hope he never reads your blog. make sure he doesn't get your screenname >_>...
mwhwhwa the ryan was so sweet...^o^ what did you do with it anyways beth? XP i thought it was great!
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