Earning My Title
"You'd rather look retarded than mexican?!" --quote of the day from a comedian on comedy central. That was pretty damn funny when I heard it. It still is...just not as funny out of context here.

So this picture is pretty cool. That's why it's here. It came from deviantart somewhere, incase you want to comment for the artist or whatever. It's called Sannin Lords. So yeah...check it out.
But onward to things that are recent...yeah? I've been such a slacker lately. Not last week...last week I worked my ass off writing this original research paper for English class. It sucked ass. But this week I've been doing absolutely nothing. No work...just playing Disgaea because I like the game, I just couldn't handle it at the time. I'm doing better now. But I think my laziness is setting in again, so I gotta get going.
Sometime today I hope to go get the beer for Okita's farewell drink. I'm so excited for that! I can't believe she said yes. It's just so amazing.
duuude, you need to update more. but now i remember that you're in york.
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