The Fire
Wah~~~ Target called me tonight to see if I wanted to work. I said sure...I wasn't doing anything better...and I need the money. It was okay, I guess. I just wish I had been better prepared. I wasn't really planning on doing anything strenuous today, so I had only ate a cup of ramen up till that point in the day. Then I went in from 5-10. It hurt, but again I'm sure the money will be useful.
So back to the fire. Yesterday, some weird stuff happened. Like, the power in my house went off like 6 times in a row in about 6-10 second intervals. Then probably another 2 times about 30 seconds after those 6 times. A few minutes later, my grandma was yelling for me for something. I missed her, so I went outside to look for her. Her van was still running, so I thought she was in it. I went over to check, but didn't see her. However, in the windshield I saw the reflection of some weird crap. So I turned around and saw huge, billowing clouds of black smoke coming from behind my house. "Holy scrotums!" ~~ holy scrotums is right. So I went around back and looked. The layout = my backyard, then a small power plant, and then a farm. Well, aparently something in the farm caught on fire....a very large fire. It was pretty damn big. Lots of firetrucks and just I looked at it for a minute or two...and then went back inside. This explained why the power went out so erratically and I felt better. I thought it was pretty exciting that something so crazy happened practically in my backyard. XD
Update: After having a conversation with Zach, we see all the highs and lows in life and I came up with the question of "Are we, as humans, really capable of feeling sustained satisfaction?"
sustained satisfaction is a figment of one's's probable in the perfect world or someone's mind is seriously demented.
wow, insane... fire caused by lightning? yeah, dunno about the satisfaction thing. supposedly we'll find satisfaction in life later when we've done the right things... i think. it's all relative. i just hope i don't completely freak out later in my life realizing that my life was lame.
i think sustained satisfaction is not unconditional. to me, it is an overall sense of weighted content and acceptance of one's life. i think of it as a mix of acceptance of one's choices, accomplishments, and situations of living. when i say unconditional, there will always be exceptions like when we reject, for various reasons, things/situations/choices in our lives that creates stress. i think sustained satisfaction is an OVERALL sense acceptance of many things, creating the content state of mind, thus creating satisfaction. I didn't want to get too philosohpical about it, but i really think that acceptance is at the heart of it.
i think it is attainable, even if i am demented for thinking so >.<; maybe i'm just an idealist. but i think it's possible definately. i think an overall sense of contentness and acceptance of things isn't that weird to think of actually.
granted, i think one thing that sucks is that i'm not sure if it's possible with serious worries/stresses such as "how the hell am i going to support myself," or " will i have enough money for this months rent/food" but i think after basic needs are met, it is possible. maybe that sounds too much like maslow's heirarchy of needs, but oh well.
I definately agree that its relative to how someone would view even more basic things like what it means to be "content" and such. I think once i find my niche in life, i will feel like this. i used to feel like that alot...acceptance of everything in my life, but when major stresses come into play, i think it gives a lot of complications to it. maybe that works against what im saying, with the whole "sustained" part, maybe not. but i think once you feel content, it feeds you and sustains the very satisfaction/ contentness you feel, making the state of being sustained. but oh well. it makes sense to me. maybe not to anyone else...
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