Wow...things just seem uneventful lately. However, a couple good things did happen this week. I got mail from Courtney and I got to hang out with Chuck. So some good stuff. Other than that...just work and sitting around.
I started playing Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion. It's alright...it kind of annoys the hell out of me that it's the same game as Morrowind, except they up-ed the graphics that my computer chugs even on the lowest settings. They could've left the crappy graphics from Morrowind and had the same game-play and it would have been just as good. So...whatever. Poo on Bethesda Softworks.
I want to watch Ultraviolet...I finally got around to getting it, but I haven't watched it yet. I never knew it until last week, but it's a vampire movie. Who knew?!?
Come on now...even with that 9700 pro it's chuggin'? Haha..well..it is old as hell.
hey, what are your plans for next semester? i always ask and forget, but are you going to otakon?
I think he's part of otakon?!?!?!? (that'd be some hot shit especially with the azn chicks *drools*). Anyways, my comp died...I lost this bookmark of your blog...I found it through google by typing ozguitar67...and a whole lot of other interesting/boring stuff. Hope you're doing well. ;)
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