Jim Reunion

The Chuck-Jim reunion! The weekend has been a haze of party-hanging. I disappeared for two days over at Zach's. We were playing light gun games and shiznat. Chuck came over yesterday for a couple hours. It was cool. Jim and Chuck did some shots. Then we went to grocery store to buy some food. We came back and played a game of Munchkin and then some Counter-Strike. Chuck was pretty good at taking down those terrorists. We need to do that again sometime. Maybe we can get Chuck good at using a controller on consoles. Convert him back into a gamer.
Anyways, Jim and I beat Time Crisis II and Time Crisis III, and watched this sweet ass movie...Shin Angyou Onshi. That movie was sweet and totally seems like it should have a sequel. I hope it does. I'm glad I saw a preview for that Otakon during the ADV panels. Well, I'm off to more hanging/gaming!
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