Really Expensive Papers
So, yesterday I got two really expensive pretty pieces of paper. I'm not sure what to think of them. They say I am smart...or something like that. Or maybe it's more like a certificate of recognition. That I endured 4.5 years of mental hell...and will endure many more years of economic ruin. Yeah, I think that last one sounds more like it. I thought those fancy papers would land me a sweet job doing something I wanted to do. But such is not the case. So I must find other ways to bring myself joy. This is one of them...
XD good vidio, i remem finding it a while back...but it makes me laugh everytime!! XD esp choji + chubaka noises...nuff said
Hahaha that was a good amv. Anyways, you graduated! You have a piece of paper in which few Americans can say they have. How few? According to the US Census
only 1 in 4 people age 25 and up have a college degree. Asians are 1 in 2 (and you've just increased it) =). And in the northeast only 31% are college graduates.
So even if you paid thousands of dollars (which I'm paying even more now because tuition is still spiking like graham spanier's income is), you have a piece of paper to show your hardwork, sleepless nights, and mental torturing, which you should be proud of.
omg u can officially change ur profile now! offially not poor college student, officially poor gradumated student! XP
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