Bottomless Pit Defeated
Sorry, Jim. It just sounds good. So after a lot of drinking Friday night, Jim and I woke up pretty late on Saturday. We were both hungry and I didn't have much food left in the house. So, we went out to the Chinese buffet for some lunch special, which wasn't much of a special at $7. But it's still better than $10. We were there for about an hour and a half. Jim really wanted to get his money's worth out of it. I understand, I got two plates of food for the same reason and I drank a whole pot of tea. Not much for the rest of the day. Then we went to Lowe's with Zach because he was getting a mother's day gift certificate for his girlfriend. Sounds like a lame mother's day present to me, but whatever. My thinking was: "'s $50 you can spend at Lowe's" -_-;; Cash would probably be better..."'s $50! Do whatever you want to with it" ...not just be limited to Lowe's. Then we were hungry. So we hit up some pizza buffet. Jim said he would eat so much. But we were limited on time. Which Jim said was gonna hinder his eating, which it did. I put down so much food. It was crazy. I think that was the first and only time I will eat more than Jim at a buffet. It must be noted. >.<;; Then we watched some Planet Earth, which is sweet. And the new season of ATHF. It is poo. Then we played Resident Evil for GC. It's really sweet, but really stressful because the zombies you kill come back to life...uhh...yeah, they get back up. And when they get back up they are faster. They run about as fast as you can. It's evil and hard and stressful and pissing me off. And it's scary too.

Then today before Jim left we played some Wii bowling. And it was really weird. One game we had the same score for the first 6 frames, then I F-ed it up and didn't get a strike...I got a spare ;_; But I also played a game where I got 7 strikes in a row. ...they call that a seven-pack. Sounds kind a lame. I got a 257 that game. That's pretty damn good.
I blame my lip. I didn't want to tell yall while eating but it bled like a bitch, which is why I used so many napkins and slowed down on eating. Pain really does affect eating, shieeeeeeetttttttt son lol. <3 However, you beat me, fair and square. I was stuffed. I was defeated.
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