PS3 MGS4 Bundle
So, I have since finished reading Kafka on the Shore. I didn't like it as much as The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. I've now started reading the Death Note book. I don't know it's actual name, just that it's about the LA BB murders...whether that is fact or not, I don't know. But the book is very interesting. I like it.
Did some organizing of the badge suggestions for Otakon. And pre-ordered my PS3 at last. I tell you, the wait for this frickin' Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 bundle was killing. But it is mine, thanks to my girlfriend. Poor her. She had to be there to order for me because the pre-order on Amazon started when I clock in at work. But she got it. She was praised appropriately. From what I hear, they were gone in minutes. But it looks like EB Games still has the bundle for pre-order with a MGS bluetooth headpiece...because you know you really want that for an extra 50 bucks XP. Ah, the wait till the actual release. Then the shipping wait. I am still trying to figure out what other games to get for it. I just can't decide. And $60 a game doesn't make it any easier.
Forgot to add this...I was impressed by my speedtest results here. So I thought I'd stick 'em up. The upstream isn't amazing, but the DS is crazy... plenty more bandwidth than I need, I'm sure.

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