Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wii News Channel

So, today I see my Wii glowing. I think that I have a message and am excited. But it's just a notice from Nintendo telling me that the Wii News Channel has been added. Cool, but not as cool as getting a message from a friend. Anyways, I spent some time reading the news from around the world and from different categories of whatever...since that's the media's category system and not mine. The news is depressing. I've known that for a while, but I feel the need to say it again. It's not really informational anyways. You need to find alternative news sources to find the real news. The mainstream media is just want they want you to know. You have to find out the real stuff for yourself. Knowledge is power, and that's one thing they especially don't want you to have.

Not much else going on with me. Today I applied for a position at Geneon Entertainment. I feel like I've been doing good with that lately. But I feel that at some point my submission process will slow down because I won't see positions available. I don't know what to think. Sometimes I wish I didn't have such things to worry about. I wish I might have had a more supportive family instead of one that wants to drive me into the hole faster by having me pay utilities and charging me to stay in the house before I find a real job, or before I even have to pay my student loans back. It's bad to feel like the loan companies are more forgiving than your family. -_-

At any rate, it's quite stressful to try to think of having money for anything, much less trying to be able to spend money on things I actually want to spend money on and on people I want to spend money on. I feel like I should not spend money on anything because everything counts towards that next payment to someone. But the money isn't doing any good just sitting there waiting to go to someone else. So I should use it to do the things I want to do, because it's my money. Meaning that I spend it and when it's gone...I'm done. And then....wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Who knows. I live out of my car in the Target parking lot or something.

At least I have some hope that something will work out...maybe >.>... Right now, I just don't know. Like I'm lost with no one to show me the way. I need someone on the inside of something. An "In" to a company. I just need a chance. They'll see I can do good. *sigh* But without that, if I can get in. And do good...and make something of myself. I can say "F@#$% all them!" .... but that's if I make it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Really Expensive Papers

So, yesterday I got two really expensive pretty pieces of paper. I'm not sure what to think of them. They say I am smart...or something like that. Or maybe it's more like a certificate of recognition. That I endured 4.5 years of mental hell...and will endure many more years of economic ruin. Yeah, I think that last one sounds more like it. I thought those fancy papers would land me a sweet job doing something I wanted to do. But such is not the case. So I must find other ways to bring myself joy. This is one of them...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back from Pittsburgh

I'm back home from my trip to Pittsburgh, to visit Courtney. It was good. Although, I'm not used to having ...ambient people. Normally, I'm just with the people I want to be with or by myself. So it was really strange to always have extra people around. That was probably a weird way to describe them, but it was kinda like that to me. I had a good time for the most part. The four hour drive sucks, especially by myself. And four hours in a car the night before I had to leave sucked too -_-;

While there, Courtney and I went out to this restaurant and I got a can of Sapporo and a bottle of Kirin Ichiban. They both look really cool. The Sapporo can is gigantic, though O.O The food there was really good too!

One thing that started to bother me on the way back was gas. Why is it that gas is the only thing you pay for where they feel the need to put the price to the tenth of a cent? I mean, come on...that doesn't make it any more appealing to me. Why can't they just tell the truth...? Gas isn't $2.39.9 They should make it $2.40. It's so retarded. No one will care if gas is one more tenth of a cent more so that it could be priced like everything else. It's not like you ever see gas for $2.33.5 or $2.39.1 or something. I think we all have realized that we're not getting a deal with the price being LESS THAN $2.40 at $2.39.9. Bah! XP