For some reason I was so
dead on Friday. I feel asleep at 12 and
woke up at around 6:15, when Kunaka called me. Friday was
Kevin's birthday and we had to party for it! We started off by going to
The Corner Room for dinner. It was surprisingly good. I've never been there before, but for some reason I never really thought I would want to...apparently, I was wrong.

After that we ventured to
Target, so I could pick up my check, and
Wal☺Mart for mixers. Beth, Kevin, Kunaka, and Ryan were smooshed in my backseat. It started
raining while we were driving, but I liked the rain,
then. For some odd reason, Beth took her knife (she brought to dinner for cutting the ice cream cake) to Target and
Wal☺Mart. Later Beth said it made her think of the time Steve took us to
Target for
Halloween stuff and she was chasing everyone around with a cleaver. I found a picture, but she doesn't have the knife in this one.
;_;After we came back, we went to Kevin's room to drink a little to play drunk pool. We played some
Gamecube Naruto and drank. Everybody freaked out a bit about drinking in front of the window when a bunch of cops were outside. We headed out to the Corner Pocket to play some pool, and Ryan is a good pool player. >.<;; Everybody started having
chalk wars, but I didn't want to be I stayed away. Beth kept crawling under the table, so Kevin decided that we should poke her from all sides the next time she went under. And we did >.<; Then it was time for
Sbarro pizza, since it was only a dollar. But I was
sooo full, from dinner and
awesome ice cream cake, that I didn't want to eat any. ;_; By this time I was starting to feel tired again for some reason (probably all the food from dinner) even though I slept for
6 hours earlier... I thought I could make it all night, but I think I fell asleep sometime around 2. Courtney woke me up at 3:30 am and we got ready to go.
On the way there, I just slept the whole way pretty much. We had a really cool
bus driver, named Bob. We got there and it was
raining. When we got to where we had to be for the parade, we were just like
o.O;; <---that. The
Target supplied uniforms were pretty ridiculous. When I get a picture, I'll post it. At first, we weren't going to do it. But then we ended up doing it. It was complicated, but whatever. Kevin made sure all of us had bag-ponchos, but Beth didn't want one. We didn't want to change in the
port-a-potties, so we made a human wall so people could change behind it without being seen
naked. I felt bad for Beth not having a bag, so I sacrificed my bag to put some of our stuff in that wasn't wet to keep it dry. I carried that bag over with Kunaka, Kevin, Dave, and Jeremy to where the
taiko tent was. When we got it there, we had about
5 minutes to get back to the parade. We ran like hell for a while until we got to this area with bleacher-style seating, and ending up crawling on
the fence to get through there quickly. We ran back all that way, only to be told we were being pushed back an hour because we weren't ready (not our fault, it was
Target's crappy banners).
The parade consisted of us
walking 10-14 blocks through DC, ocassionally running with our banners to catch up to the drummers because they decided to run ahead for some reason. As we were walking, the rain would get harder and then let up and then a
sudden downpour. It was pretty harsh...and
hell-ish. The ocassional strong wind made it hard to hold the banners and the crappy telescoping poles didn't help either. Courtney
stalked us through the parade, and encouraged us. I'm glad she did,
her excitement kept me going, without her waving and looking excited I would've had a
death stare the whole time during the parade. I was shivering and freezing--it was
sooooooo damn cold. When it was finally over, we got on this bus that was supossed to take us back to the
taiko tent. It did, eventually. When we changed we were supposed to give back everything, except for the
shitty Target shirt. I'm so sad I didn't keep the
T.T I've been regretting it since then, but I should stop. I couldn't though because I wanted to write about regretting it here; so now that I did, I can stop regretting it.
After we ate in this little spot under a building or something, so we could eat out of the rain, we spent most of the day inside museums...and then Barnes & Noble. I was planning on getting some Japanese
beer, but it was
$6 a cup! F-ing ridiculous, so I didn't get any. In
Barnes & Noble, I hung out with Courtney, Beth, her friend Mimi, and some guy named Ruben. We got
hot tea and
coffee and warmed up. Eventually, many other people came in there too. I read some manga. Eventually, we
needed to get out again, so we went to check out the shops. When we got out there, most of them were already closed.
;_; No super cheap stuff for us. Quickly, we got cold again and wanted to go inside. We head to a museum that was close to where the bus would pick us up. Unfortunately, the
museums were closing at 5:30, so we were just turned away.
We went to this place in the post office, that was kind of like a mall...a really, really crappy mall. But it was warm and inside... ...... and had an
ARCADE! woo! However, it took a lot of effort for me to get inside, because it was inside of the post office. I had to go through the
security check point (I went through so much, I forgot my umbrella there >.<;;) thinger. Put my bag on the conveyor(sp?) belt and walk through the metal detector. I had to walk through the
metal detector 4 times! and then they still had to search me. They didn't find anything either... WTF? >:o *angry face* Who wants to bomb a post office anyways? Whatever happened to mailbombs for that? XP Me and Kunaka played
Time Crisis 3 there. A fun shoot-y game. He was much better than me at it. But playing it reminded me of playing
House of the Dead 3 with Courtney. She won't play shoot-y games with me anymore.
rained all day, until we left. Then it
cleared up and the
sun came out. -_-;; I think I'm done trying to write about the trip, as it is...this is really long. Oh, yeah...I forgot to mention that in the Natural History museum there was some lady
picking her nose. I don't know if it's okay to do that somewhere, but it was just so blatantly obvious that it was bizarre. Ahhh! No more writing!!! Any more I can think of, I will post tomorrow. >.<;;
--sorry there's not much color towards the end >.<;