Friday, June 30, 2006


not much going on lately. working a lot. hating work...not as much as in state college because the people at this target are so nice, but work still hurts. so, maybe hate is too strong of a word. then, not liking work would be better. depressed at life a lot this week for some reasons unknown... maybe chuck and i can drown our sorrows this weekend when he comes to hang out. i've been looking for a new digital camera. i guess i'll wait until after this weekend. i still didn't watch underworld revolutions, or whatever it's called, and now i have to watch click...but i'm not sure if i should wait to watch it with courtney.

i watched some new anime this week...fate-stay night. it was awesome...very sad, but awesome. woah...i was just playing with my teeth, and suddenly i realized that i've been having a lot of dreams about being a vampire lately. that's kinda a strange.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Hmm...yes. I do plan on going to Otakon again this year, and if all goes well...I will be staffing again. I am excited to go. And I hope that people I know will go again. Or else I will be afraid to wander the streets of Baltimore alone at night...@_@; こわい! Of course, if I don't know anyone else going...I guess I'll have no reason to stay out late anyways. But either way, it should be fun. Just more fun with people I know there!

I watched Ultraviolet sometime, between last post and this one...I don't really remember when. And I thought it was real cool in the beginning. But then it just went downhill. I think it was called ultraviolet because the main character's name was Violet. The plot was good at first, but then it was just lame. The action was a terrible letdown. Nothing has been the same, as far as action goes, since the Matrix...which sucks. That didn't set the standard for action. Everyone doesn't know kung fu, damnit. Martial arts isn't what an action movie is all about. Give me some good punches and kicks, and it's all good. It just has to feel real. Anyways, while that wasn't so hot...the ideas they had for technology were pretty cool. Especially her hair and her weaponary.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Wow...things just seem uneventful lately. However, a couple good things did happen this week. I got mail from Courtney and I got to hang out with Chuck. So some good stuff. Other than that...just work and sitting around.

I started playing Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion. It's kind of annoys the hell out of me that it's the same game as Morrowind, except they up-ed the graphics that my computer chugs even on the lowest settings. They could've left the crappy graphics from Morrowind and had the same game-play and it would have been just as good. So...whatever. Poo on Bethesda Softworks.

I want to watch Ultraviolet...I finally got around to getting it, but I haven't watched it yet. I never knew it until last week, but it's a vampire movie. Who knew?!?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Dreamfall: The Shortest Journey

I finished playing this game that I had been following since Spring semester. It's called Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. I had so much anticipation for that game, but it turned out to be a let down. It wasn't really like an adventure RPG like I thought it would be. It wasn't very long at all. I beat it in under a didn't keep track of playtime. The puzzles weren't very hard at all. The plot was severly lacking...lots of loose ends and not much in the way of closure. The only thing that is its redeeming factor is that the story that was revealed to the player was a good story and well done. I can only assume the fact for it being so bad is that it is the middle game of a trilogy; but even so, it should still be able to hold its own. How are they supposed to expand their fan base like that?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


For some reason, I lately seem to have lost what little happiness I have. Maybe it's just a temporary thing, which I hope it is, but it's annoying. and it makes me cranky. -_-; Working isn't cutting it anymore to keep me occupied, I think. And I'm not so sure it's helping me anymore. I think I just am might just be a day or two thing. For some reason I told Target I would work tonight...even though I feel like my legs are going to fall off. Maybe I just need a hug... who knows. But I have no one to get a hug from ;_; meh...I guess I should get ready for work now, though.

...I still need to think of how two people who don't know each other could randomly meet. Any ideas?? Let me know!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Quiz from Beth

Nothing to this post really. I was just reading Beth's blog and saw a quiz on I decided to take and now I'm going to put the results here. XD

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View? (updated)
created with

I guess you will have to decide if that really matches me. I wanna hear.

At work, yesterday was the first time I've ever been visited by someone...well, sorta. Greg was in Target looking for something and he stopped by to talk to me for a little. The only other person to talk to me at work was Jim...and that was when he wasn't working! woot!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Box Labeling

Target called me in to work again tonight and I did it. It wasn't too bad, I guess. Work is work, usually not fun unless you like your job. Working at Target really doesn't seem like a job to like too enthusiastically.

Today I started going through the boxes that have been sitting around since last summer so I could itemize what is in them and then store them somewhere else. I had to label them too, so I could know which was which. So I ended up using kanji for those that had no distinguishing features. It reminded me of the time Stine used kanji for assembling his loft. Now I think I'll do that for just seems cooler that way! ~~huzzah!

After I was done, I thought I would just go to sleep, but I ended up working on my resume for a while. Then I had to figure out someone to send it to in order to look at it and give me some feedback. It took a while for me to think of someone. So I did some e-mailing and then I was putting my new resume on my USB drive when I saw this strange, fantasy story I had started working on almost exactly one year ago at this time. It was June 22, 2005 that I typed it. I've been editing it for far too long now and I really should go to sleep soon.

Update: On a side note, I was distracted again by something terribly funny. All must read this. The funniest part is the comments from past crap...omg! it's hilarious. I'm laughing out loud at 3:46 in the morning. Using Panda Express stuffed pandas as packing material....too good! I can't believe it SOLD OUT in 3 minutes though. ;_; I totally would have ordered some crap for $1 + $5 shipping. Sounded like fun! XD