Friday, March 31, 2006

革命 (kakumei)

Today started bad with torture first thing in the morning. But then, once classes started, everything was going great. Although I feel kinda bad about something I said in Japanese class, but I didn't mean it in a bad way >.<;; We were going over a new grammar rule and we were supposed to talk about other people. So I said, "今福さんは女の子のような人です。" Not really meaning that he's like a girl, but in all the examples we had earlier, when the sentence was phrased like that the people it was describing were just wearing clothes in imitation. So because Kevin has worn his Sailor Sun outfit, I thought that was a fitting example sentence. >.<;; But then we Okita suggested that we have class outside, and it was good. We did our dialogue check and then she said that it was good weather, and she's tired, and there's fish in the let's end class early. And we did. And today has been really nice. I like the fact that I'm freaking cold all the time. I can enjoy life again because of nice weather. Yay!

While reading Fast Food Nation some more, I learned a bit more about the feeding of cattle. I had an idea that they were eating shit they weren't supposed to be eating, like parts of the cattle they don't use, but it went far beyond that to things that are just more wrong than that--dead cats and dogs from shelters, chicken waste (pieces of the chicken not used), chicken shit, cow shit, cow waste...I think you get the picture. First of all, cows are not supposed to eat meat. -_-;; Secondly, why the hell are you feeding something we're supposed to eat SHIT?!?! WTF! Are these people complete and utter retards? It takes no common sense to see that something we eat is not supposed to be a garbage disposal. Don't they realize that when we eat the beef, it's just like eating all that shit? Oh, but it gets better... While they process the meat, cow guts go everywhere. All over the beef that we eat. What's that mean? It means, not only does the cow eat shit, but when you eat the beef, there probably actually is shit in it. That's soooo not cool. I'm glad I don't eat beef that much anyways. But it is still not safe for me. I eat a lot of chicken and the chickens, in turn, are fed the leftover cow pieces and such, etc. It's enough to make me want to stop eating meat. The worse part is that the government is powerless to enforce stricter rules on the beef companies because they buy congressmen and senators. What a bunch of assholes, you know? As Courtney would say, they need poked with pointy sticks. And while they're crying blood, we can shove shit-burgers down their throats. That would make me feel a little better. But I think something should be done about this. A revolution against beef large companies!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Touching is Good

So, my great aspirations to make it to every class until the end of the semester have failed already. I just couldn't bring myself to make it to that damn history class. I go to every class and study for the test--I get a C (79); I go to no classes and don't really study--I get a C (77). To that I say, "WTF?!" But, whatev~. So I decided not to go and work on my paper instead. I got a little bit done on the paper, about half a page. I'm making progress. But I think I ended up wasting most of my time not in class. I think I'll go Monday, but of course I'll probably be wiped from working all weekend again. -_-;;

Vegetarianism is a neet thing. I can't understand some parts of it though. I know vegetarians don't eat meat, BUT many do eat fish. @_@ How is fish not meat? It's still the flesh of an animal. It's not like fish aren't animals, but just because fish aren't as cute as cattle or chickens or pigs it doesn't mean they're fair game. So the fish isn't going to be baseball glove, leather jacket, carseat, or football; it's still a fish, which is an animal that has meat that people eat. How does that fit into vegetarianism? But veagans...veagans are cool. I can understand animals and no animal by-products. Easy enough. But it just makes me think of this one line I heard in an episode of The Simpsons, I think it was Lisa the Treehugger. When that activist guy was in jail, Lisa said she was a veagan or vegetarian or something and he said, "I'm a level 3 veagan...I don't eat anything that casts a shadow!" I'm not poking fun or anything, it just came to mind there.

By the way, the slogan Nintendo came up with for the DS is awesome...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Target Sponsored

The Cherry Blossom Festival is approaching fast. It's on the 8th in DC, and it is sponsored by Target. I volunteered to be a flag bearer, which doesn't seem to be like a bad thing. I get a thing from them to wear during the parade and maybe I'll be on TV! So, I'm excited to go.

But I have beef with Target. Everyday, for the past week or more, I've been logging on to their eHR site so I can sign up for direct deposit and the damn server is a piece of shit. Every single time I try to do it, the server is under maintenence...and when it's not under maintenence, it's under unscheduled maintenence!! What a P-O-S!! It makes me so angry. It makes me hate Target beyond just being a suck employer. >:o *angry face* That is all for now.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Doing Just to Do

From what I've come to understand about Buddhism, one of the basic principles is to be in present, focus on the now, live in the moment, or something like that. But I've tried doing this and it is ridiculously hard to keep focused on what's happening right now. My mind always wanders to other things and, sadly enough, I lose what I was thinking about all together. -_-;; That's really frustrating. Having an uncontrolled mind is pretty crazy--it's about thirty billion things zooming through my head at the same time.

With the fact that I seem to not be able to do this laid out, I would like to say I can read just to read. And it seems to be the only way I can read. I really hate to fish for meaning in things I feel just aren't really there. I think I just take most books at face value and leave it at that. Most likely because most of the things I read are not something I want to read and I don't really care about them. Well, now...that clears things up for me. I don't feel so bad about not reading into these books anymore.

...On to other topics, I have to write a cultural analysis paper for my english class. For the past 2 weeks I've had absolutely no idea what to do it on. I think since all of my other papers so far have had a theme of Japan, I really wanted to find some way to tie that into this paper too. After a lot of not thinking about it, an idea popped into my head. There is a large anime culture in America. duh.. Why didn't I think of that earlier. I can just use that for my topic. But I need to come up with a good title. Then I need to think of some typical stereotypes and how they're wrong and other good stuff like that. meh! It sounds like work...or BS. One of those two, definately.

Oh! One last, small tangent here. Last night the TV was on and my roommate was watching Law and Order SVU. This episode was really quite scary. It was about neonazis and white supremists. These were the extreme of it though. If you weren't white, you were just trash. No jews, italians, blacks, hispanics, anything. Just white people. But what really gets me about this is how do they think that they are pure bred white people? Don't they realize they are mixed with something?? One made the following statement about Jews, "They are the offspring of Satan and Eve," roughly quoted there but that's the jist of it. I mean, if these people are going far enough to quote the bible like that wouldn't they realize that all man spawned from Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and they are also descendants of Eve. -_-;; Bah! It's so scary to even think that people like that still exist. These people were so extreme and the words pouring out of their mouths were atrocious. I can't believe people can fall victim to such poor logic, while at the same time they are capable of being intelligent beings. Anyways...I think I'll stay away from this topic. It frightens me.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Unusually Large Breasts o.O;;

Okay...I've calmed down now and don't hate life right now. I have to read Fast Food Nation for my English class. There are some interesting, yet scary things in it. I was reading about McNuggets in here. It says they're reconstituted meat held together by stabilizers... That sounds weird. This things took off in the 80s because people thought they were healthier than burgers, because it was chicken not beef. But this thought was wrong. A chemical analysis by a researcher at a Harvard Medical School showed that their "fatty acid profile" was more like beef than poultry. It also seems they contain twice as much fat per ounce as a hamburger. o.O;; Since McNuggets were so great, Tyson made a new breed of chicken they dubbed "Mr. McDonald," which had unusually large breasts. XD

The book moves on to say that beef consumption peaked in 1976 and has since then been on the decline. But for some reason the idea to give cattle growth hormones sounded like a good idea. So now we have even more beef that we don't need, and bigger cattle. Well, it won't sell on the American market and the Europeans don't want it, because they're smart and banned the use of bovine growth hormones. Damn those smart Europeans.

Why Bother?

I hate work. I hate working while in school. It's really distracting to my schoolwork, and like before, I become dead from working. Well, I have to work now, I need the money to make ends meet. But this time it was just totally not cool. I know that right now I can't spend any money--on ANYTHING. It's probably not even a good idea to buy gas right now. Only use driving for when it's needed. I go in to get my paycheck. I get it, look at it...and it just makes me hate life. The hell that work is and it's not even enough to keep me going. I'm so angry about it. Underpaid poo! That's all work is, and I am hating almost every minute of it. I wish I had a sweet job on campus that paid a reasonable amount of money, or I'd even take the same, for something not as strenuous. Maybe I'm just being unreasonable. Yes, I am. I quit. I just need to suck it up. Forget it all. I'll live with my job and not hope something else. I guess with my luck, it's good I have a job at all. I should be happy with whatever I can get and deal. -_-;; Anyways, I should be doing work now. So off I go.

Cynical...? maybe...

Wow,...been playing Flyff for hours and hours. I'm getting closer and closer to being able to make a guild. I'm so sad about needing my suit for the sweet set bonus I want. I'm gonna have to find some way to make the money to buy it. Speaking of guilds, I think I am going to quit my pink nazi guild because no one talks to me and all I get is this one dude, who invited me into the guild, asking me to power level him all the time. Courtney upgraded her stick to some pretty beef sweetness, +3 and +5 wind element. So it has a baby glow of wind. It looks neet! So that's that. I just wanna get my damn suit. I'm tempted to buy cash items and sell them in-game for money. But I don't have money for that at all. T.T All I can do is just kill more sh*t and so, that I will do. It's a slow, sad existence. I don't want to do work tomorrow...I just want to waste my life away playing Flyff forever. MMOs can really take over your life. It's just exciting to watch something you're creating grow, I guess. Always wanting to get to the next level, achieving new goals, getting new items, being able to equip new armor--it's all so exciting. You just can't wait for what's next, just like growing up as a little kid. You were always looking forward to being an adult. Now that that time has come, it's not so exciting. Lots of strings were attached to getting here, but it isn't like that in the game. Great fantasy world, why can't the real world be like that? Of course, if it was, I'd still be screwed because I'm screwed in-game too *.* -_-; Life can be disappointing sometimes, but I still have things to look forward to and keep me going. I'm glad I have those things, but this totally wouldn't be worth it otherwise.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Where's the Action?

So the weekend started...Friday was cool. After classes were over it was time to dive into some Flyff. For how long, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It was a good 12-13 hours! That's incredible, isn't it? Well, it was exciting. But during that time there was a pizza break, for the dollar slices of Sbarro pizza that's here every Friday night. That's really exciting. Then Courtney and I headed over to Jim's to watch Appleseed, which I might add was one hella badass movie, and play some more Flyff with him. Jim has the golden touch. So many drops dropped while we were partied with him. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Today was a little down time to do laundry and play Narutometto Hero 3 with Kevin, Kunaka, and some other people I don't know. It was pretty fun, but since I was doing laundry at the same time, I had to leave early to take care of it and then I played more Flyff while waiting for it to dry. I'm addicted, aren't I? Something is wrong with that, isn't there? I just can't stop playing though. Oh, well. It's like I said earlier, better than being addicted to crack or something. After laundry and such, it's time to hang out with Courtney some more. Then we'll probably play Flyff some more until the wee hours of the morning. It'll be loads of fun. I'm in some weird pink nazi guild right now. They randomly invited me, but I was just like...whatev~ I'll see what happens. But it's made me want to start a guild of my own. It doesn't seem like too hard of a process, I just have to be level 50 to do the guild making quest. Oh, yeah...why is it called the pink nazi guild? It's because guilds get a symbol and the guild symbol looks like a pink swastika.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


The results are in. Dorm room connection = poo. Wireless VPN = significantly less lag...and no death. Hooray! So, I really want to watch the Appleseed movie. The reviews for it say it's the shiznitz! And the preview I saw for it lastyear looked really sweet too. The Fuccons looks really strange, but good enough to watch. Mostly because I can understand most of the Japanese in it, which is really cool to me. I haven't really watched it yet, just kinda looked at it to see what it was like, so I don't really know if it's good or even funny or anything yet. We'll find out soon enough.

Plastic Trees?

Wow. Flyff ended up happening for a long time last night. But that was after Import Gaming Night. I run an import gaming night for anime club I'm in at Pennstate. I thought I would get some work done there; I brought a book and everything. I started reading it and then some people wanted me to play DDR. I caved. No work done and lots of DDR and Narutometto Hero 3 played. Back to the Flyff-ing. I can't believe we played until 4 in the morning! It was pure craziness. The funny stuff happened as we were leaving though. I threw away my Gatorade bottle. So Courtney looks at me funny and says, "I can't believe you did that. The recycling thing is right here." She took the bottle out of the trash and carried it over the recycling thinger saying, ~Save a tree, man. ...Even though this bottle isn't made of paper. Well, where ever plastic comes from.~ >.<;; I know I messed up that quote, so it's not as funny now. There, I feel better. I took it out of quotes. Maybe I can fix it later. But believe me, it was really funny at the time. Today was a boring religious studies class, probably because I spent a lot of it struggling to stay awake because I was up till 4 or 5 in the morning. -_-;; Anyways, after that it was off to Suncoast. They're still going out of business, apparently, until Sunday or something. So, I finally bought some stuff from there. I got Appleseed the movie, The Fuccons, Shingetsutan Tsukihime OST, and a Samurai Champloo bag for about $39. Pretty good deal, I think. Most of it was 50% off.

I forgot to mention that I just watched an episode of Charmed that totally ripped off The Matrix. It was really sad. It was a total ripoff... -_-;; I wouldn't be surprised if there was some lawsuit about it or something. They stole the scene from the first Matrix where Neo dies and then comes back to fight Agent Smith. Charmed even took the part where Neo jumps into Smith and explodes him. In Charmed Pru (if that's how you spell her name) jumped into the demon and destroyed him in the exact same manner, it even had green shiny stuff! So disappointing. I think I may have lost all respect for Charmed now. TT.TT

But now I'm up to a test. I believe that there is something wrong with the dorm room connections, because they blocks ports to prevent file sharing on campus. I think the blocked ports f*ck up the game play and causes it to be ultra-laggy. My theory is that this doesn't happen when I use the campus' wireless connections that are in certain buildings. So I'm going to test it. Happy Flyff-ing to me. ^.^

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Matt Stine says -->

So, everything is better now. I took the test, turned in the paper, and gave the speech. Stress levels have gone down, and I can resume living a normal life. I think the speech went bad though. I practiced it a good bit, but when I got up there I went through it too fast and skipped some things I had meant to say. Oh, least I wasn't reading to the class like many other people did. I felt bad about that, considering it was supposed to be a speech. Today was the first day of speeches. Which was strange, because I thought that was supposed to be Monday. So that means I skipped class on Monday for nothing...damnit! I'm kinda worried about what I missed, but it was right after a test, so it couldn't have been anything too important. That's the bad news. The good news is I got my test back and I got a 49.2 out of 50. Pretty sweet! I was pleasantly surprised by that. Test scores are supposed to go down as the semester goes on, not up. But I'm not complaining about a good grade.

I'm a little unsure about my test, too. Most of it seemed like process of elimination. -_-;; I thought I would know the answers better. At least I could say that it wasn't this and it wasn't that, narrowing down my choices getting closer to that right answer. The essay questions were just like, damn! I should have finished reading that last chapter. Oh, well. I don't have to stress about it know, because it's over and there's nothing else I can do about it. But I have decided that I will try to not skip anymore classes for the rest of the semester. It's going to be hard, but I can probably do it. It's only 5 or 6 weeks more until classes are over.

Aside from the good test score, today is turning out to be a good day. I talked to my friend, Chuck who just graduated and moved to Houston, and he said he's been assigned to a project in Baltimore for the next year. I'm like, that's awesome!! He'll be so close now. I just have to hope the super-b*tch doesn't try to kidnap him (the super-b*tch = trang). >.<;; I hope she doesn't see that. And I'm glad I checked my e-mail before class, because my class was cancelled! Sweet-ness to the supreme! Okay, that was lame. But it's nice to not have to go to class without being penalized. Then, I got to talk to my long, lost friend in Japan--Matt Stine! It was cool to talk to him. College life isn't the same without him. It's not the same without Chuck either. Stine was telling me about the dorms. I'll put it in here, Matt Stine says:

well, the dorm is all foreigners, except for the three RA's. Guys on floor 2 and girls on floor 3.
building goes under lockdown after 11PM, but you can get in if you have a keycard (all residents do)
guests have to sign in and aren't allowed ot stay over
under penalty of death

And I was like o.O;; kowai And then we reminisce...Stine says:

i miss the perez
i was just thinking about how we used to go and drink and smoke cloves
and climb trees
well, i climbed trees
and we'd eat pizza
and hold hands in the warm autumn nights....

I gotta keep it going, so I chime in with:

and make out in the setting sun...

And he continues with:

ah, the memories

Well, that's all interesting and I think I took it too far. But he also told me about this store he found called Bruce Pee. >.<;; He said he took a picture and the worker looked at him like he's an idiot!

I should probably do something productive right now, but I think I might play Flyff a little.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

After effects...

So, today I was dead. Being a slave to the T over the weekend took its toll on me today. I knew lastnight that I didn't really want to stay up all night and work on homework and such, so I thought I'd try waking up uber 6. Well, that didn't work either. I ended up waking up and going back to bed because it was too early. Then I woke up at 8...and decided not to do anything because it was too damn cold...went back to sleep. I hate the cold, it makes me grumpy (that's what my girlfriend says). I skipped my first class, Japanese, because I didn't work on my speech at all like I should have. -_-;; I skipped my second class because of being overworked and not getting enough sleep. I ate about nothing and had some uncomfortable stomach pain T.T Luckily, my english prof let me e-mail her the paper that was due today. After that I was out for a couple hours. Then I started to study until my history test. I'm not sure how well the studying went, but most of the test seemed like process of elimination. That doesn't seem like a good sign to me, but I guess I'll find out next week.

What happened the rest of the day? My girlfriend,...she really needs a name. Well, her name is Courtney. So,...Courtney tells me it's her lifelong dream to move to Canada. I'm like what?!? Whatev~. It's a lie. Why? She wants to go there because no one will go to war with Canada. Of course not, nobody ever hears about Canada. So I say, maybe Quebec will, so they can be never know. I tell her she doesn't need some French-dude trying to woo her in Canada. I don't want to go there. If we must leave here, at least we could go somewhere that's, Japan! She tells me I'm racist. Why a French guy? Well, that's because everyone knows the French are supposed to be masters of romance. So she tells me, Japanese men are more romantic! I'm like o.O;; And so Courtney asks me the question... "Have you ever been wooed by a Japanese male?" And I just lose it. That's not right. I hope I am never wooed by a Japanese male, a Japanese female would be a different story. Actually,... >.<;; Holy that I think about it, I think I have been hit on by a Japanese male. Many times. Oh, but that's not the same as wooing, so it's all good. a way. @_@ kidding XP After that, of course, is more FlyFF. I should really try to cut back. It's like an addiction. Oh, well. It's better than being an alcoholic or a drug addict. It's FREE! Still a waste of time and brain cells, but more fun than you can shake a stick at XD. Now it's sleep time, maybe.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Real First Post XD

So this is it. It's finally starting. I don't know where it will go from here, but it could be interesting. This weekend was me being a slave to the T (Target, that is). that job = the suck. But I suppose it could be worse. I guess I should recap the weekend, so there's something interesting on here, in case anyone is reading.

Friday started with not much going on. Test in Japanese class, then some stressful, yet relaxed, paper reviewing in English class. After that, I just Flyff-ed away until the event happened. I had high hopes for this event too. You know what h appened when the event started...? Nothing! That was poo. Then when it finally did start happening, the servers crashed. I'm not complaining here, I'm just telling it how it is. Because I'm sure as hell am not going to complain about a free MMO, because that is just plain sweet. Well, enough about that....for now.

Later that night, I head out to Quaker, Steak, & Lube (it's some weird car-themed restaurant) with 2 friends, Beth and Jim, and my girlfriend. So we're there to take on these atomic wings, 150,000 SHUs (Scoville Heat Unit) of pain. Well, Beth, Jim, and I did it. It amazing, yet kind of disappointing at the same time. We had to sign a waiver to eat them--that makes them pretty dangerous, eh? But we get our names on the wall,...and a bumper sticker! -_-;; Anyways, it was fun. Jim was sweating while eating them and I think Beth started crying. Me? I just concentrated on getting those fire-y biznatches down. It didn't phase me too much, until I stopped eating them. Then I was definately breathing fire.

Saturday and Today = own by the T. Work sucked, and today I was so tired. I felt really zombie-like. I really should be working on my speech and paper that are due tomorrow. Not to mention the test I have in my History 481 class. >.<;;

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The First post...

so it's started. i didn't ever think i would make one of these, but it's starting. this is the test means nothing >:0